Trout Plate No. 3

I will write a more detailed update to this post in a few days or a week. For now, I just want to say that I started tying these 48 flies on Tuesday evening, December 14th, and what you see here – the finished replica of the wet flies from Ray Bergman’s book Trout, was the end result of my work by noon on Friday the 17th.

It was an enjoyable experience – therapeutic, relaxing, rewarding – to tie another set of wet flies for another frame. I did the tying at my family cabin in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, and the mounting of the flies and assembly of the frame at my mother-in-law’s home in Cogan Station. A benefit of the last period was that my first-born grandson, “MJ,”

This is me, December 17, 2010 with Plate No. 3, wet flies from Trout

was there for an extended weekend. He will be two later this month.

All things came together for a memorable experience!